Enhance Employee Wellbeing, Health & Finances with the Benefits Hub

From just $5/mo. Per worker (1099ers accepted)

Employer, envision...

  • Providing every worker with a dream vacation.
  • Offering access to top-tier healthcare with significant savings.
  • Assist in reducing household expenses.
  • Get access to savvy retirement planning.
  • Unlimited access to Legal, Tax and CPA consultations.
  • Offering additional essential & highly valued benefits.

By doing so, you can attract superior talent, retain your workforce for longer and enhance their productivity.
As low as $5/mo. Per worker*


*All workers = employees and contractors (1099ers), of all ages, without restrictions.

** The Employer Benefit360 Hub is only available to businesses located in the United States and Canada.

Experience a Dream Getaway

Treat your employees to a 3-7 night complimentary vacation at some of the finest destinations in the United States and around the world, including New York, Las Vegas, Paris, Rome, or Cancun.

  • Enjoy a 3-7 night vacation annually at any of 50 US destinations.
  • Alternatively, opt for a 3-7 night international vacation once a year, with 30 amazing destinations to choose from.

Your employees have the freedom to select their dream destination. There are no time-share obligations.

Dream Healthcare Benefits

Provide access to comprehensive healthcare cover for all your employees, including 1099 contractors and their families, at a fraction of the cost they would normally pay.

*For any age or health condition

  • Extensive cover for Member, Spouse and Dependents
  • Complimentary wellness exams and lab work, reviewed with their primary care physician.
  • Access to unlimited urgent care and telemedicine consultations.
  • Plus, an array of additional benefits, including the option for unlimited mental health sessions and potential savings of up to 85% on prescription medications.

Our team of healthcare experts is dedicated to guiding them towards the optimal healthcare solution for their unique needs.

Achieve Super Bill Savings

In today's world, the weight of monthly bills can be overwhelming. Imagine lightening the load for your employees by helping them save 30%-50% on their bills.


Our dedicated team of experts will skilfully negotiate more favorable terms with their current service providers. This service is provided entirely on their behalf, with no upfront costs involved.

They’ll be able to save on all these bills and more:


Natural Gas

Cable Bundles





Satellite Radio

Community Solar


We Handle Everything!


communication icon


Communicating with your works about their benefits - providing them a company website where they can choose benefits

enrollment icon


Enrolling workers in the program they choose. Team of experts find the best solution for them.

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Ongoing support before and after enrolment.

Pricing & FAQ

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Our experts are waiting to hear from you.
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